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Palanquin Travel



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                    Palanquin Travel

[The story is written by Raiyan Rabbi Tasin. The story is about of two couples. The story is essay type and romantic type too.}

A long time was beyond, the day goes the day comes.The dawn comes after cutting the night's darkness,the evening comes of wearing mask of the night's darkness after the afternoon. Path of life goes as zigzag as the river water goes. 

This time, Cloud's uncles like white white silk pillow of Autumn's uncle bring vacation and go to travel at their motherland's home.And Late-Autumn's aunt ( Rinmini )  comes to my filed with one pair invitation's letters. Was written in first letter :

" Will stay alone at my home.
But will not leash with anyone at that river
of the raft of my home for seven births.

Even you have left by taking the someone hand's
only for pairing home of new happiness,
but in my breathing your name
will be read incessantly even know-understand for crying.

If today need  to go sleep delayed forever to me
then keep in your mind
my death was in your waiting. "

The home address was written in the letter and the date was indicating of 5 years ago. From aunt,I have come to know that my aunt was recieved the letter ago but that day my uncle was dead. And for this cause my aunt forgot about the letters and kept it to a box named " Brin Box ". Today she gets this when she was finding cloths of uncle's and the letters were given aching itself.There were two letters in it.

During reading those letters,the sleeping " Kalboishaki " storm is risen across my heart.It is Late-Autumn, but the " Kalboishaki " storm is happening .This storm was so different.Instead of raining, the quaver of heart is increasing.Between it, the image of rain is started to drop. It is dropping continuously from my eyes.But my eyes could not left these now,because I got the address of my darling .Today I will go to her home with empty hand for begging love. 

From the calling of Late-Autumn,the fair of golden paddy has arrived in my field,but even I will go to my outstanding beautiful queen's door with empty hand. Because I want to increase her arrogance.

The Sun aunt of Late-Autumn is giving heat to the '" Nirmanin " river for doing face sweet.The Nirmanin river was placed beside the catkin garden behind of my tiny house. Thus I went there to doing face sweet. Maybe  " Harvest Festival " it is  ! The Nirmanin river was playing alone,wave was playing and it becomes similar to a biggest battleground.Fighting of water maybe ! My bath is now finished from the touch of the river's silent frigid and
 Cholomolo song of the river's. 

I saw the palanquin and the horse was standing outside.But the palanquin went to my darling's home some hours ago.

I rose to the backrest of the horse's uncle and said, " Uncle,come on. Today is the most funniest day because the pursuit of many days going to be complete and will you come with me? " The horse uncle gives response by moving its head. 

 The leg of the horse uncle is moving by making " Huthut " sounds. Hot air of the Late-Autumn season was blowing in the four corners of atmosphere. Maybe, sometimes are remaining but my mind can not take this short time.The curiosity of hearing sound of darling's has increased . After thinking and thinking, I was reached to the home of my darling's. 

I tapped the calling bell. The calling bell welcomed by listening me the song of Late-Autumn and bring me to it's garden. Now I have started to call my darling using her name.

But big home and she lives alone thus it needs sometimes to come. But this talk can't be understood by my mind. It was like that this talk was out of my mind's dictionary.Before calling my darling's name she was shouting said, " Who has come, who has come,who has come to my home?  " During hearing the voice of darling's, I remind the memories of childhood. The days of past are reminding. We were runnig together at flower forest in childhood. And my outstanding pretty queen was spreading wings and flying like a butterfly at my heart. She was spreading her extraordinary aroma in my breathing.Generally the butterfly stands at flower for the attraction of its colour and smell. But nothing great was in myself,there was no smell or there was no colour like a flower in myself. But even she flew at my mind-heart with her nectar beauty.And she was giving me new new dream and in every dream I was finding her.

When the noon was gone to sleep, the pigeons were playing at blue sky for given us their signal. Then my outstanding pretty queen came to me with storm's speed at every afternoon. There was a tree named " Battro Tree ', we were wanting there. There was a Baya Weaver bird who came at that tree every afternoon. I was at the cold shadow of the Battro Tree and my queen was keeping rest at my heart. I was thinking that my heart was in heaven. Sometimes colourful grasshopper was flying infront me. The grasshoppers were coming for giving me news that my queen sleep is done. But a butterfly came everyday and it was starting quarrel among themselves.The afternoon were spending after seeing their quarrel fight. We were waiting for the light of firefly. When darkness was beginning to the flower forest then the fireflies were coming with lamp.I was seeing the Jolojolo play of my queen's by using the light of the lamp. When the team of firefly were coming then my queen said, " Who has come,who has come, who has come at our tiny flower's forest ? " Today I get her soft-honeyed voice again. But when I started to call her in her name,then there was no more responce. 

Atleast my cute queen have opened  the door which was organized with her's cuteness of heart. When she opens the door , then all arrangements become silent.My lovely queen is not saying nothing,so I start to say :

Myself : Oh dear,can you imagine me?

Dear : No,who are you?And " Dear " is not my name.

Myself : Have you forgotten the name of the friend of your child? I called you in different names at our childhood.

Dear :................ ( She is standing out without saying anything )

Myself : Do you have activated silent mode? Or there is any problems in your mind network? 

Myself : Oh,dear! What happened? Do you have activated anger mode,this time? 

Dear :.......... ( Again standing out without saying nothing with anger )

Myself : Then I say a talk.Now when you become angry, then you look same like the evil ghost of childhood.How sweet you are looking !

Myself : Oh dear,oh oh oh dear,oh my cutiest evil ghost! Oh my ghost baby!  

Dear :..... ( This time  was in silent mode.But she gives me ache by pressuring so hard on my leg.)

Myself : Hurray,I have achieved many fun ! Hurray! 

Dear :...... ( This time she gives me pain in my leg by using  a big stick)

Myself : Father-in-law save me. Father-in-law, your daughter want to kill your son-In-law.

Dear : Hahahaaaa! Hahahaaa!

Myself : So do you get peace now ? In whole life, do you get peace by giving me pain? Am I right? Will you now drive me out by using stick?

Dear :................ ( She does close the door and sit down of it's behind ) 

Myself : Aha,are you thinking that when will I leave ? I will go at nowhere.I will stay here today. Or if you don't open the door today,then I will start to sleep at your home forever.

( I was so shouting and my tiny cutiest queen was smiling silently. But I heard her smiling sound  ) 

Myself : Oh,are you angry because I have come here with empty hand ? Then listen a poem :

Look at your heart-firmament,
someone is waiting at your nearest.
At your eyes's kindness- universe,
draw the name of your love beggar's by coloring.

Don't clearance at your heart-door's
the untold light of your's beggar's weeping eyes.
By the deep touch of your loving embrace,
give immortal to the happiness of my heart by your kindness.

Don't want any treasure where,there you are my treasure,
Don't want mass mass treasure,at the world of mine.
Don't want the new tone of separation,at the heart of mine.
Dear peculiar cutiest queen, release the dense troublesome of the darkness of my eyes's tear. 

Dear :....... ( Saying nothing )

Myself : Dear, what happened ? When you were becoming angry at childhood, then you were giving me slap. But now, why aren't you giving me slap? Do forget these for your witch husband or he gives you some food for forgetting these? 

Dear :.......( She opens the door and slaps me )

Dear : Oi,whose husband? I do not marry until now, only waiting for you.But you have married many days ago like 
perky. Why you have come there now? Isn't your wife giving you slap and for this you have come here to obtain my slap? 

Myself : Yes,I have come here to obtain your my slap.But why are you raving wrong? Because I haven't yet married only waiting for you,too.

Dear : How sweet drama you are doing ! Who is Mohini then?Hmm? And I don't  forget about the invitation letter of your marriage  until now.Now tell. I said you to come to my house for atleast one time for saying with you for the last time. But what you did? I sent those letters but nothing was happened. Where was you on that day? Was you with that Mohini? 

Myself : What a bad luck of mine !  Actually, I did this on that for making you scare and my younger brother " Bujhona " was doing marriage with " Mohini ". In the letter of the invitation of my younger brother's marriage, I changed the name of my brother and replaced it to my name. I thought you would come and then I would explain you all. But you didn't come. 

Dear : Why would I went there? Should I went there for participating and enjoying your and Mohini's marriage ?

Myself : Why would be  my marriage ? 

Dear : Whose name was written in the letter?

Myself : Oh dear ! Please forgive me,I just made a little fun.

Dear : I don't have time,sorry.

Myself : Please don't give me more nuclear bomb. I will be destroyed by your nuclear bomb.

Dear : Fine,it will be my revenge. I will finally kill you by it.

Myself : But,dear ! I am now addicted with your nectar bomb.

Dear :........How? And which is nuclear bomb? 

Myself : Dear,there are many. Examples : You don't have time for forgiving me. 

Dear : You didn't understand that meaning.

Myself : Would you please help me to understand that?

Dear : I don't have time.

Myself : What?

Dear : If you can give me time then I will help you.

Myself : It is so easy,just stop quarrel.

Dear : But how will I get time?

Myself : I will not spare you untill you teach me about that. But if you stop doing quarrel and tell me about that, you can save a lot of time.Because I will come at your home everyday.

Dear : Then I will call to the police and they will arrest you.They will keep you into jail and hit you also.

Myself : You are so bad.

Dear : I know and for this I am saying,  " You can find a lot of beautiful girls in world. They are not bad like me and there more beautiful than me. Those are very good you. "

Myself : I don't need more bad or more good than you. What I need that is you, even you are bad then you are mine.And if you want to call the police then you can . But I want to be arrested by you, I want to keep and lock myself into your heart's jail or heaven. You can torture me there how much that you want.But please don't keep me a little far from your heart.You know man is not immortal. No one alives whole life. So I want to live only with you. Because you are only the eyes of my stagnant heart and no one can take this place expect you. If you don't stay with me, I will be bind forever. After my dead,I will come to you for not hiting or torturing on you.I will come to you for getting your forgive. But please don't do this, I want to leave with you. Spread in my life the smell of your forgiveness and make my life heaven.

Dear : Why you did this? I thought that was real. ( Said with crying.) 

Myself : Please forgive me and punish me how much that you want. ( Saying with crying.) 

Dear : I will kill you.

Myself : Should I go to bring a knife for killing me?

Dear : You will not understand, I will kill you by hugging.

Myself : It is my good luck for get killed myself by you.

Dear : Fool,I don't want to kill you.

Myself : I knew because you're my heart and you will never kill your heart. But dear, when will you tell me about my misunderstanding?

Dear : You know that.

Myself : Would you please tell me by yourself?

Dear : What about my letters? Did you give my letters to your cow for eating with roughage ?

Myself : I didn't have any cow.

Dear : Then you're a cow.

Myself : But I didn't eat those. Actually I get your letter today. My uncle left this world about 5 years ago and in this pain my aunt forget to give your letters.She kept those letters in the box named " Brin Baksho ". Today she was finding old clothes of my uncle then she finds those letters in that box. After she gives me those letters and gives the address of your home. If you can not believing, then I will bring you at there tomorrow. 

Dear : But why today she gets these in mind ? 

Myself : Yesterday he died.That means my uncle died on this day of 5 years ago.For this cause, my aunt was finding uncle's memory.

Dear : Where was you on these years?

Myself : I was finding you on different places. 

Dear : What was your aunt's name?

Myself : Rinimini.

Dear : What? She knew about where I was going from the before of that day. Why didn't you ask her about?

Myself : I did not ask her for shying. 

Dear : Oh! But why you did these? Couldn't you search me well? 

Myself : Why you get trouble when I become angry? Don't you become angry? And how could I found you then where you was not in your previous home? Why didn't you say details to the owner of your previous home about your going ? I thought you will come at my home by anger after hearing about my marriage. 

Dear : You could tell at the police station that I have lost.

Myself : Oh! Was you a child then? And was I your parent or husband?

Dear : Hmm,not. But one day you will become my husband. But who could give a fake invitation letter like you ? I wish I could you hit you 2 or 3 billions times.

Myself : Okay,dear. Torture me how much that you want,but first go to my home. 

Dear : Touch my head and say that Mohini isn't your wife.

Myself : Okay,Mohini is not my wife.

Dear : What problem will you get to touch my head? 

Myself : Sorry. I am touching my head and saying that Mohini is not my wife.

Dear : What bad will be done by touching my head?

Myself : Sorry,I can't do that.

Dear : Oh! Is she your wife then?

Myself : No,no. That's not. ( Saying with anger's voice.)

Dear : Then touch my head and say it.

Myself : Say me to touch anything expect your body.

Dear : What is problem in my head ?

Myself : Rotten smell outs from your hair and your hair is same as the hair of hedgehog.

Dear : What you said ? What do out from my hair ?

Myself : Don't you have ear? Can't you hear ? 

Dear : What! Go now, quick leave this place. 

Myself : Why? For telling true?

Dear : Who are you? Quick go. 

Myself : Okay,going. What will happen if I stay there? I do not even want to watch your shadow.

Dear : Will you go? Or will I bring whisk?

Myself :My indestructible body don't scare to such Injury.Understand?  

Dear : Wait a little bit,Sir. I am going to bring some sweet-sandesh for you.

Myself : Put your sweet-sandesh inside of the stomach of your which is same as molasses. 

Dear :...............( Went to bring whisk )

Myself :............( Went to out.)

Two hours later I again come back to my cutiest's home.Then I see that the door was opened.I rise on and see that my queen is crying.I called her.

Myself : Oh, dear. Look behind,please.

Dear : What will happen after seeing you ? After seeing your face, I feel nausea. If I vomit, then what will you do?Then,will you order me to wash your clothes? 

Myself : No need to clean my clothes.I will say nothing. But please stop crying.I feel so pain when you cry. I have done a lot of mistake, please forgive me.

Dear : Who am I to you ? Why you get pain when I cry ? 

Myself : Maybe I am no one to you but you are my own. Listen :-

" You are the light, 
which I search in the darkness. 
 You are the pain,
which I love to have in my heart.
 You are the feeling,
which was borned to feel for you.
You are the invisible path,
which will become visible by our combine.

Maybe I am not yours,
then it will be choice of yours.
But you are mine,
because the choice is mine. "

Dear : Then,please say, who is Mohini ? 

Myself : How much time should I say, dear ? My younger brother have married with Mohini.

Dear : Then,why are not you touching my hand ? 

Myself : Can you remind the talks of our childhood ? Then I start to say. That was the month of Autumn,22th of Autumn.White-white flabby cloud was drawing Alpana on the heart of sky. And it was showing us dance too. With you, I was going to see the lovely scene on " Onilon  " river everyday.Pink crane was standing on the ghat of Onilon river. We were standing behind of the pink crane's crane. Then we both promised that we will not say anything by touching our body.

Dear : What would happen if you said these before ? I thought you have forgotten. 

Myself : That's mean this is the reason for asking me a lot of questions.

Dear :........... ( Laugh !  Laugh ! Laugh ! )

Myself : By the way,why you feel nausea after seeing me ?

Dear : So, why is my hair same as a hedgehog  ?

Myself : Forgive me, I have said wrong in anger. 

Dear : Is much rotten smell out from my hair ? 

Myself : What are you saying ? I can't even sleep well without the smell of your hair. The smell of your hair is so sweet and it is same as the smell of the flowers of heaven.

Dear : If so,then how you spend these time?

Myself : Night was being spent by my crying.

Dear : I felt so angry after hearing a talk of your. 

Myself : Sorry,but which is that ?

Dear : You said that the stomach of mine is same as molasses. I should be thin because I have spent many days without eating. By the way,how much food should I take everyday ? 

Myself  : What you said ? Why don't  you eat ?Don't you have any knowledge ? Don't you know that not eating food is very dangerous for health.

Dear : It is known by anyone. 

Myself : Then,why you have done these ? 

Dear : For giving pain to myself. And you also understand about these.

Myself : No,you have not done these for giving yourself pain.You have done these for giving me pain. 

Dear : No,that's not.

Myself : Silent, who do like this ? Are you mad ?

Dear : No.

Myself : Was you mad?

Dear : No,I was not mad.

Myself : I think I should keep you to a madhouse.

Dear : No problem,I love to stay there.

Myself : Are you serious?

Dear : Hmm,because your heart is madhouse for me.

Myself :......................

Dear : It's mean I am the mad girl of your heart.

Myself : Hmm......But not mad girl, you are my sweet queen. 

Dear : Then, when you said me a mad girl ?

Myself :........ It's mean I am a mad person who lives in the cole of your eye's. 

Dear : Haahaaa,but how much should I eat ? How much daytime should I take food? 2 or 1 ?

Myself : What a great discovery of your thinking !

Dear : Then,should I eat more less?

Myself : You don't need to think these. You will be fed by myself.If you want then I will feed you 6 daytimes with 3 basin rice of each time.

Dear : Am I the cow ? If I eat so much, then I will become so fat.

Myself : Why will be you the cow ? You are not the cow,you are my sweetheart. You are my only and one sweetly, cutiest,most wonderful wife. You can eat how much that you want. You can eat so much and become so chubby-natushnutush if you want. But I will also take care of your health,too.

Dear : When will you marry me ?

Myself : Tomorrow. 

Dear : Okay.

Myself : Let's go to my home.

Dear : Okay,how could I go there ? But you need to give me a lift of your cole for going to your home.

Myself : Let's go.         ( I took her in my cole )

Dear : Wait a little bit. I am coming after locking.Take me down now. 

Maybe it is noon now. My queen is coming at me. My palanquin was prepared at behind of the bamboo thicket. We get into the palanquin. Now we have started talking in the palanquin :

Myself : How sweet looking you are ! 

Dear : Aha,Luring me is not so easy.

Myself : I am not luring you because you are the floozy of the world.

Dear : What you are saying! There are a lot of beautiful girls in this world.

Myself : Those are my sister and you are my wife. Understand? But you are the most beautiful girl and wife for me.

Dear : Okay. How are my jewelers showing ? 

Myself  : Your jewelers are so lucky.

Dear : How can be the jewelers become lucky?

Myself : Because the jewelers have engulf your pretty-sweet hand.

Dear : Oh,then how did you feel my slap?

Myself : Dear,it was a lot of fun. I thought that someone had covered my face with the casing of petals and honey.

Dear : Why someone ? Was you blind for not seeing me?

Myself : I was blind but you have fixed it now.

Dear : Let's get down.

Myself : Why dear ? 

Dear : For bringing some shiuli flowers.

We get down from the palanquin and I picked up sone shiuli flower and put it on her hair.

Dear : You have put much flowers on my hair.

Myself : How sweet looking your smile is !

Dear : I said about a different topic but you....... .Okay, whose house is that ?

Myself : That is the home of my queen. Can't you  recognize it?

Dear : We need to get down now.

Myself : Let's get down from the palanquin. 

Dear : But first tell me something about the palanquin travel of today.

Myself : 

The bahar of the golden rice,
is written by the sky on it's heart. 
The necklace of the blue-white black-red pigeons are
showing it's glowing wings in the heat of the sky.

By the touch of the blue-purple cloud,
the palanquin hides it's back.
The Heiya Heiya tone rises up on the mirror of the world,
by the words of the song of my palanquin-bearer's.

By the red-yellow decorations,
Alpana is drawn on the palanquin roof.
At the lap of the sea of it's, 
we are drawing sketch of story on the flock of birds. 

At the gourmet garden of shiuli flower,
the palanquin will stop with my queen.
By the touch of the fringe of my queen,
my legs will get down at the bottom of the soil.

By softened affection of the darling's endearment hand,
the flower blooms at the bottom of the tree.
By the bracelet of the shiuli flower's chain,
Garden has been built in the room of darling's hair.

I have again risep up at the bottom of the palanquin,
maybe there is no ending of it's  felicitation. 
Sometimes the heart is singing
by forgetting myself,
after seeing the aspect of darling's, by itself. 

Sun of the evening sky,
giving the sign of lava in this time.
The breeze of the evening sky,
calling us to get down there. "

Dear : So nice, dear. 

The darkness shadow cleans the sky of afternoon and starts to drawing the alpana of the sky of evening.And my cute queen starts to draw the alpana of happiness at my heart and cleans my pain.By you, the reading of the story of my palanquin's travel is finished now.

Moral of the story is," Man is the root of all mistakes because anyone can do mistake. But if our dearest person do mistake,we should forgive him/her and the forgiveness is love.But both become angry and do nothing, then the relationship will be broken."

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